Netflix for the Soul…I heard this phrase in a podcast the other day and it got me thinking: What do we run through our minds all day long? Or, what do we let our minds run away with? And why do we do it?
The Worry Carousel
It is easy to focus on positive, happy and empowering things when we meditate. But how many times during the day do we catch ourselves thinking the same negative thought patterns? Often worries or fears of events that happened or things that could be, will repeat themselves. As if thinking changes things or keeps us from preventing the worst.
Sure, sometimes it leads to answers, however most of the time it is like running a scary movie in the back of our mind. Keeping us occupied in a not so helpful way.
But how to change the channel?
Be the Observer
Awareness is a huge part of this program change. Becoming aware of our thoughts. Being the observer of our thoughts. Realizing what kind of show is running in the background.
In my native German language, we have the word “Kopfkino”, meaning inner cinema or in one’s minds eye. Playing out scenes or events, memories or wishes. Like a movie. It is a bit like meditation in a way. Some might call it daydreaming. It comes so close to what
Netflix of the Soul implies. The movies or short films that are playing in our head. And here we have the power, once we become aware. We hold the remote to switch to a movie that supports the way we need it.
Positive Qualities
Focusing on positive memories, or things that makes us happy. Running through our better qualities and attributes. Highlighting our strength. In other words being our own greatest supporter. During times of stress or uncertainty or heartbreak, this becomes even more important. Facing life’s struggles, and at the same time holding our positive qualities.
Allowing us to breathe deep into our hearts. And not just once, but a couple times a day.
Resetting, when we notice negative thought patterns that repeat and go nowhere. Visualizing or thinking about things that make us happy. Strengthening our inner light, that guides us through times that are tougher.
Take a deep breath, be gentle with yourself and remember you hold the remote in your hand.
What movie do you choose to chill with today?